Yoga in Kerry

Yoga in Kerry
Bridget has classes in two locations in Kerry. Sean Scoil is in the historic market town of Killorglin, famous for its King Puck goat and the Laune river. Ballyfinnane is the other location at the local community hall. Both locations are listed below with maps and directions.

Sean Scoil
Sunhill RdCastleconway
Co. Kerry
V93 YWH1

Ballyfinnane Community Hall
BallyfinnaneCo. Kerry
V93 YR23

Classes timetable & Payment
We have a full list of classes on the timetable page, to join a class please contact Bridget directly as class sizes are based on a capacity per class. To pay for your lessons please pay Bridget directly with Cash, Revlout or a transfer. For any questions or help please don’t hesitate to contact me on the form below.